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JSB Writer's Retreat 2020 Session 4 Presenter: Annette Velásquez

Annette Velásquez will be hosting Session 4:

Word Revolutions

Watch the Video to Learn More!

I was born in 1963 in Urbana, Illinois, the daughter of Hungarian refugees. My heritage and parents' historical background feautures centrally in my writing. Upon graduation from high school, I served a brief stint in the United States Marine Corps and was honorably discharged. Work, for me has been a "colorful" hodge-podge of such variety as: newspaper columnist, veterinary assistant, receptionist, teacher's aide and tutor (ABE, Spanish and ESL) and deli supervisor. (to name a few.) My education too, has been a mosaic. I graduated from Southern Career Institute (Boca Raton, Florida, 1994) in Paralegal Studies and from Harcourt Direct (Cambridge, Massachusetts, 1999) as a veterinary assistant. I have also attended Westwood College in Denver, Colorado where I was certified in phlebotomy and studied in the Medical Assistant AOS program. Prior to Daughter of Diasporas I have published 2 chapbooks with "Sentences" (New Haven, Connecticut, 1988) and Runner's Blues. (Guyasuta Press, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, 1990) I have also published 2 full-length books, Freedom's Quest (Windsor Associates, San Diego, California, 1992) and From Inside the Whirlwind- A Poetic Memoir (El Paso Book Publishers,2010) Currently, I am a poet/community activist and advocate for the rights of the homeless, disabled, immigrants and refugees and veterans. I live in El Paso, Texas with my husband and Snowshoe cat, Caramela.

The 7th Annual Jimmy Santiago Baca Writer's Retreat is now completely online and less than a month away. There is still time to register at



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